Product destruction of packaged materials is an ongoing requirement for large food and beverage manufacturers who have packaged product that is either out of specification of past its best before date.

The story
More recently large waste companies are investing in capital or acquiring antiquated small privately owned facilities to provide this service for their major food and beverage manufacturing clients.

GrainOut, as specialists in food and beverage by-product management, were engaged by one of its large waste customers to address the following in managing the bulk beverage remaining from product destruction of packaged products:

  • Improved EPA compliance
  • Increased service levels
  • Ongoing commercial value solutions

How we helped
GrainOut utilised its network of EPA certified processors and transport providers to re-purpose the bulk beverage to deliver a far superior service which was more cost effective than the waste company’s internal network.

GrainOut further increased the commercial value of the product for its customer by completing the following so the bulk beverage could be re-purposed as animal feed:

  • Recommendation and solution for a fit-for-purpose 200 micron filtration unit
  • Developed case for secondary beneficial re-use submission for EPA approval